
Hyperkeratotic plaques and fi ssures on the palms

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Palmoplantar psoriasis

Congenital Variations Discovered in the Clinical Presentation of Hyperkeratosis of the Hand and Foot: A report of 2 cases

Thick Hyperkeratotic Plaques on the Palms and Soles

Congenital Variations Discovered in the Clinical Presentation of Hyperkeratosis of the Hand and Foot: A report of 2 cases


Clinical and Dermoscopic Study of Palmoplantar Keratodermas, Journal of Skin and Stem Cell

A) Psoriasiform lesions on knees of patient 1. (B) Hyperkeratosis on

Hand dermatitis chronic - Altmeyers Encyclopedia - Department Allergology

Eczema and Hand Dermatitis

Review_Article - Our Dermatology Online