
Is a leg holster for a gun really effective in most emergencies? - Quora

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Why don't regular police patrol officers carry their sidearms in thigh holsters? Much easier to reach and ergonomically better. - Quora

Is a holster necessary for a pistol? - Quora

Is a leg holster for a gun really effective in most emergencies? - Quora

How many mags do soldiers carry for their pistol? - Quora

Is a leg holster for a gun really effective in most emergencies? - Quora

In regards to open carry, is there a downside to drop leg holsters, specifically? - Quora

I saw a detective on a TV show has her gun holstered so high that the grip of the gun line up with the bottom of her rib cage (tiny stature). Is

What is the best handgun you have ever fired? - Quora

Which one is more efficient for soldiers: Chest holsters or Thigh holsters? - Quora

Is a leg holster for a gun really effective in most emergencies? - Quora

What are the smallest and most effective self-defense weapons? - Quora