
Can I have 3-4 guppies and a female betta together in a 10-gallon tank, or is it too much? - Quora

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What other fish/animals can live with a betta fish in a 10 gallon fish tank? - Quora

What other fish are safe to be in a 5.5 gallon community tank with a betta fish? - Quora

How to get fish tank water into a betta bowl - Quora

I have a silver female molly, 2 platys and 3 guppy's in my 10 gallon tank. Do I need to add aquarium salt to the tank because I have a molly? If

Can we put cichlids with guppies? - Quora

Can I put 2 beta female fish in the same tank? - Quora

What are some good fish to put in a 4-gallon tank? - Quora

I have a sweet, peaceful betta fish and would like to try adding guppies to the tank. He is in a 10 gallon with 4 neon tetras. How many guppies could I

Let me explain a little. I have a 10 gallon tank that I currently have one female betta in, in the future I want to stick another female betta in there. Will

How much fish can I put in a 3-gallon tank? - Quora