
Did a Lion Take Revenge on a Trophy Hunter?

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A video that purportedly shows a lion attacking a hunter is a hoax.
A video shows a hunter getting attacked by a lion while posing with a recent kill.

Hunter under fire for posing with dead giraffe

Trophy hunter eaten alive by brother of lion he shot for an

Video Hoaxes Archives

Brutal' breeding farms raising lions for hunters, medicine

International outcry over death of lion brands big-game hunter as 'villain

Opinion, Trophy hunting and eco-tourism both needed to save wildlife

Never Forget Cecil the Lion TweetSheet #BanTrophyHunting #Cecil2016

Does The Ban End Wednesday And We Have To Wait For Friday

Cecil the lion app to raise money for World Wildlife Fund

Man-eating Lions Ate Fewer People Than Believed - Field Museum

Lion TAKES REVENGE on Trophy Hunters!